Your credit score dictates your interest rate when it comes to car loan financing. That’s why it’s important to arm yourself with all the necessary information, especially when it comes to obtaining a copy of your credit report. Checking your credit report prefinancing will allow you to check for errors which may help improve you credit score. Plus, you’ll be able to estimate your monthly payments via our online car payment calculator with the information obtained.
If you have any credit cards, considering making two payments a month instead of one, this may help give your credit score the boost needed to get a better car loan interest rate. And regardless of your credit score, our network of lenders, they’re eager to compete for your business! As for our seasoned financing team, we’re ready to aggressively negotiate for the best used car financing terms on your behalf!
Do yourself a favor, save time and money when you get pre-approved online. Plus, there’s no need to shop around since we can beat any bank or credit union 9 out of 10 times. Couple with the fact we’re able to offer used car interest rates as low as 5.99% and $0 down with approved credit, and we’ve gotten over 1,000+ people approved for a used car loan. And when it comes to used car deals and used truck deals, we offer the best selection of pickup trucks and 3rd row seating SUVs with premium options for under $599 per month. That’s the Driven difference!